
Monday, 13 August 2012

Can anyone help me!? i suck at singing!!!!

Hey, i've always wanted to become a singer for as long as i can remember, it's always been my life long dream! My mom well she tell sme i suck that i'm really bad and some other people have to (family) my friends tell me i'm good or great, but i never believe them, i've searched up singing lesson on the computer, but i don't they could help me :(, i tried recording my voice, just like me talking, and i hated it!! adn then i tried singing a note or two,and i sounded like the worst singer in the world!! So can anyone help me, i need someone who can teach me how to sing really good, this is my one and only dream, an di don't want it to go crashing down around me, just cause i can't do it right, i want this so badly i'll try anything!! 
Well i hope i can get some help, i see how happy people are when they reach their dreams and well, i'd like to feel the same way ;)
 Thanks and Bye ;D 